Meeting a Critical Need In our City
A 2018 “Assessment of Area Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Intellectual and Developmental Disability” funded by the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation on behalf of Autism Lifeline Links found that an estimated 21,600 adults in Bexar County have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or an IDD. Of these adults, only 10% were receiving formal service coordination as of 2017 through the Alamo Area Council of Governments. In addition, more than 80% of the adults were living at home with a family member serving as the caregiver. For these adults, continued life skills training and socialization is needed to counteract regression and isolation that can occur after an adult “ages out” of the public school system.
In Bexar County alone, there are thousands of individuals on a waitlist to receive community-based support services aimed at preventing costly institutional care. SA Life Academy (SALA) has grown to accommodate the needs of families seeking a program where their adult can thrive, develop life skills, and lead a meaningful and purposeful life both on and off campus. With over 4,000 students receiving special education support for autism alone in the San Antonio area, our ability to provide stimulating continuing learning opportunities for a lifetime addresses a problem that is based in fact and more importantly, community need.
Watch the video above to better understand the need for SA Life Academy in our city and how SA Life Academy is filling the void.
“All of us need a life that continues to stimulate us creatively, physically, socially, and have a group of friends to Do Life Together with.”